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We Love to Build Something Amazing

The WorldSkills Barbados Champions Committee (WSBCC) will serve as Barbados’ local arm of the WorldSkills Champions Trust. The committee will assist in the advocacy of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and WorldSkills Barbados (WSB) programme. It will be the link between the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Council and past WorldSkills Barbados Competitors as well as TVET students.

The Role of the WorldSkills Barbados Champions Committee

The WorldSkills Barbados Champions Committee will:

  • Aid in the preparation of present and future WorldSkills Barbados competitors for local, regional and international competition.
  • Participate in initiatives which provide a platform for young people to discuss TVET and WorldSkills
  • Assist in the promotion and create awareness of WorldSkills Barbados projects and events.
  • Advise TVET Council and WorldSkills Barbados on initiatives to aid in the development of young skilled professionals.
  • Assist in the recruitment and coordination of volunteers for future WorldSkills Barbados events.
  • Assist TVET Council in its efforts to share its message with the younger demographic because of their appeal to the youth and be recognised as TVET Youth Advocates/Ambassadors.
  • Provide advice from a unique point of view using committee members’ experience as local and international competitors.
  • Provide a stronger link and improve communication with current, past and future competitors and TVET students.

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