The WorldSkills Barbados Juniors (WSBJ) Future Skills Camp 2022 was a huge success! The virtual camp, which was held via ZOOM Cloud meetings, took place September 12th to September 16th, 2022.
After being held for the first time in conjunction with WorldSkills Russia last year, the second Future Skills Camp (FSC) camp was held in collaboration with WorldSkills Dominican Republic / INFOTEP. This year, students between the ages of 11 - 13 and 14 - 18 years old were given the opportunity to gain knowledge and develop basic professional skills that will help them make wise career decisions in the field of Cyber Security.
During the online camp, which promotes skills development and excellence, 43 participants had the opportunity to learn about the differences between the three types of cyber hackers, how to protect against cyber-attacks, and the types of jobs available in the field of Cyber Security over the course of the five days.
The interactive camp used a gamified learning approach which promoted a fun learning environment. Campers who successfully complete all the virtual activities and quizzes will earn an e-certificate and digital badge containing a personal record of each participant’s performance.
One student, Jordyn Griffith, shared her experience at the FSC 2022, saying, "The experience was good, the students and the workers were actually very nice and they interacted with you well knowing that it is online instead of face to face."
To hear what other students had to say about their experiences at the WSBJ Future Skills Camp 2022, please click the link below!