Cyber Security is the practice of protecting networks, infrastructure, and other Information Technology (IT) related areas from digital attacks. These cyber-attacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes.
Claudio Rafael Arias, an INFOTEP expert trainer in cyber security and one of the instructors for the WorldSkills Barbados Juniors (WSBJ) Future Skills Camp 2022, stressed, "Cyber security is an art, it is all about helping people."
He further stated that along with helping people protect their personal information, accounts and systems, “Cyber security professionals also play an important role in helping governments to avoid cyber-attacks.”
Everyone who uses the internet, social media platforms, smartphones, smart TVs, and other technical devices should be aware of cyber security, the cyber security expert added.
“Today technology is taking over the world, and when you have access to technology, there will be cyber criminals,” he declared.
“So, there must be heroes who will be there to protect the networks, infrastructure, information and systems from digital attacks.”