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Minister McConney Congratulates WSBJ FSC 2022 Participants!
Minister McConney Congratulates WSBJ FSC 2022 Participants!

The Hon. Kay McConney M.P. Minister of Education, Technological and Vocational Training delivered remarks at the WorldSkills Barbados Juniors Future Skills Camp Media Briefing on Friday, September 30th, 2022.

The Minister began her remarks by congratulating the 2022 camp participants and thanking the staff at the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Council and WorldSkills Dominican Republic / INFOTEP for facilitating the camp and contributing to Barbados' national effort to provide opportunities for youth training in technological fields.

To view the Minister’s remarks, please click the links provided below. Translation services were provided by Wilmy Mora of WorldSkills Dominican Republic / INFOTEP.


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