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Brazil s medal winning experts to train local team for WorldSkills Kazan 2019
Brazil s medal winning experts to train local team for WorldSkills Kazan 2019

The Barbados team to WorldSkills Kazan 2019 this week stepped up preparation for the technical and vocational skills competition, when three of its members began training with Brazil’s medal winning Skill Experts in Cooking, Restaurant Service and Hairdressing.

The three competitors, Shae White (Cooking), Danny Mayers (Restaurant Service) and Zaria Archer (Hairdressing), gold medallists at the WorldSkills Barbados 2018 competition, commenced training specifically designed to help them get ready for the rigorous four-day WorldSkills competition which takes place August 22 – 27, 2019 in Kazan, Russia.

The Brazilians, Ana Helena Louis Loureiro, Bayard Ricardi Capaverde Neto and Andre de Souza, are facilitating the technical preparation of Barbados’ competitors and their respective Experts, Peter Edey (Cooking), Roderick Prescod (Restaurant Service) and Arlette Knight-Olton (Hairdressing), during the period June 10 – 14, 2019.

This is the second round of training being conducted compliments of Brazil’s National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI) and National Service for Commercial Training (SENAC), respectively.

In March 25- 29, 2019, the other three competitors Terrique Ward (Car Painting), Peabo Sampson (Fashion Technology), Kristina Patrick (Graphic Design Technology) and their respective Experts, Negas Alleyne-Browne (Car Painting), Joy Prime (Fashion Technology) and Shelly Mayers (Graphic Design Technology) traveled to Brazil to take part in its Team Training and Time Trial Competition.

The biennial WorldSkills Competition is a unique, live technical and vocational skills competition. It is hosted by the WorldSkills International organisation which is the global hub for skills excellence and development.

This is the second time that Barbados will be competing at the WorldSkills Competition. In 2017, Barbados sent a four-member team to WorldSkills Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates but did not medal at that time.

The 55-member Brazilian delegation to WorldSkills Abu Dhabi competed in 49 skill areas, gaining 19 medals and 26 medallions for excellence including a silver medal in Fashion Technology, and medallions for excellence in Car Painting and Graphic Design Technology.

Similarly, at WorldSkills Sao Paulo 2015, Brazil’s 56 member delegation captured 27 medals and 19 medallions for excellence including the gold medal in Fashion Technology, silver medal in Graphic Design Technology and the medallion for excellence in Car Painting.

At WorldSkills Leipzig 2013, Brazil, with 41 competitors participating in 37 skill areas, attained 12 medals and 15 medallions for excellence including a gold medal in Graphic Design Technology and a medallion for excellence in Fashion Technology. (PR/TVET Council Barbados)


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