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We Love to Build Something Amazing

WorldSkills Barbados Juniors Future Skills Camp 2024

Course NameIntroducton to Game Development
Trainer(s)Dan McCabe
Camp Overview:
This course introduces game development, suitable for beginners and those with some programming knowledge. It covers game design principles, story creation, user experience, and the use of industry-standard tools and game engines like Unity or Unreal Engine. It aims to transform your game ideas into reality.



General Objectives:

To equip students with the fundamental knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to design, develop, and implement a playable game.



Learning Outcomes:

Learners who complete this course will be able to:

  •          Understand the difference between gaming and game development.
  •          Realize the importance of scope and how to manage it.
  •           Develop a clear understanding of the UI layout inside of Unreal Engine
  •           Be able to manipulate transform and material parameters.
  •           Analyze plan and identify where to adapt it based on knew knowledge.
  •           Have the skills necessary to progress with blocking out a level in Unreal Engine
  •           Program AMR with Python
  •           Be able to identify and troubleshoot issues at a game level.
  •           Utilizing lighting, VFX and sound to start adding more polish.
  •         Use initiative to foresee potential issues and resolve them.
  •         Develop results-oriented planning skills with regards to finishing a project.
  •         Fixing bugs and blocking exploits.
  •         Adding UI
  •         Understand marketing strategy for video games.
  •        Learn how to create a website capable of hosting a game product.
  •        Be able to compile a game into an executable file to be run on windows.
Benefits:Learners would be able to create a game and run it on windows.
Camp durationAugust 12th, 2024 - August 16th 2024
Time:9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Approach:In-person instruction, demonstrations, hands-on activities and exercises.



Scan QR Code for Hardware requirements for Unreal Engine


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