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We Love to Build Something Amazing

Frequently Asked Question

How do I apply?

Applications for the WorldSkills Barbados Champions Committee are available here.

How do I recommend a Champion?

WSBCC applicants will complete the application form and submit it online. The applicant will then receive a code beginning with 'WCC' which must be provided to the Expert so he/she can begin the recommendation process here.

What is required in the application?

All applicants are required to complete the online application form. As part of the online form applicants will be asked to:

  •     Submit a 3-5-minute video.
  •     Submit an application form
  •     Have a recommendation form (from Instructor, N/CVQ Coordinator, employer, etc.)

What is the volunteer time commitment?

WorldSkills Barbados Champions must be willing to commit to a two-year term. 

What is the WorldSkills Barbados Champions Committee (WSBCC)?

The WorldSkills Champions Committee is a group of Champions that works together with the TVET Council to help bridge the gap between learners and the national TVET system and also to help raise the levels of engagement amongst WorldSkills Barbados Champions.

What training is involved?

As part of the Champions Committee you will take part in leadership and media training sessions, forums and conferences, to hone your skills to effectively represent the talented and dedicated community of WorldSkills Barbados Champions. The training will advance your public speaking skills, as well as the comfort level in telling your WorldSkills story to media and on social media.

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