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We Love to Build Something Amazing

The benefits of participating in the WorldSkills Barbados Competition, and by extension the other WorldSkills Competitions, include opportunities to

Compare skills being taught in Barbados against the highest global standards
Allow young skilled professionals in Barbados to test their “real world” skills against highly skilled competitors
The opportunity to gain international experience by participating in the regional competition, WorldSkills Americas, and the WorldSkills International (WSI) competition
Enhance career opportunities of Barbados’ young skilled professionals
Motivate young skilled professionals in Barbados to strive for excellence
Associated prestige gained from winning a medal at the national, regional and international levels
Build skills excellence and promote the value of technical and vocational skills worldwide
Enhance the image of local technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions by featuring their best skilled Champions on the WorldSkills Portal (international website)

Our Partners

A special thanks to the Partners of WorldSkills Barbados 2022 Competition. Together we are increasing the abilities, status, and economic prospects of young people.

Major Partners

Other Partners

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